Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Tonight's activity was to make our own paper snowflakes. Elijah gave us the idea of using wrapping paper to make some snowflakes and I thought that was a fantastic idea since the paper is thinner and would be easier for him to cut.

However, after cutting one snowflake by himself, he promptly decided that I should cut the rest and he would decorate (below is the one he cut completely on his own).
A few of the snowflakes received shiny stickers, but most of them were nicely decorated with glitter. Sometimes an art project just doesn't seem complete without glitter ;-)

Just a quick side-bar...in case you're wondering what is on top of Elijah's head, he got a new pair of pajamas from his cousin Jaxon and they are the "Deadly Nadder" pjs from "How to Train Your Dragon." He totally loves them. Here's a better picture to show off the hood/cape.
And of course we had to put our snowflakes on our bedroom doors to add to our decorations from the previous night. Elijah even took a picture of me in front of my bedroom door (it's a hoot to watch him hold such a big, heavy camera and try to make sure I'm still in the shot ;-)

And for some reason, his new thing whenever he gets to take a picture, is to ask me to make a funny face. So naturally I made him do a funny face too. So here we are, two hams having a great evening together.

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